Abandoned Cart Rate: data collected on the number of people who add products from your store to their cart, and then never proceed to check out.
Abandoned Checkout Rate: the amount of people that have products from your store in checkout, and then never check out.
Aggregation Hub: a pick up location that is set up by Navore Market.
Attribute: additional details about the product that will help the customer with their purchase.
Average: The average also provides an indication of the typical or middle value in your data, but
it is calculated dividing the sum of the values by the number of values.
- Note: if your median is similar to your average, that means you do not have values that are significantly higher or lower than your other values
- If your average is larger than your median, that means you have one or more values that is significantly larger than the rest of your values
- If your average is smaller than your median, that means you have one or more values that are significantly smaller than the rest of your values
Customer Groups: a group that you can create to help organize wholesale customers. The group members can be added to custom delivery routes, price lists and messaging.
Customer Photos: pictures that are sent in by customers from their orders.
Custom Item: when a producer logs an order they can create a product for one time use that will not be saved to their storefront.
Dashboard: the main page for each user. Where you can view quick updates about their store and products. You can customize your dashboard to include shortcuts you use most.
Delivery Routes Manager: a tool that is intended to be used prior to loading and delivery. Use this manager to customize the order of the delivery route, split the routes, and assign drivers.
Delivery Zone: the area that a producer sets for a specific delivery plan.
Draft: a status option that means the product, post, recipe, or other content cannot be seen by the public, but is still saved to the producer account.
Filtering: choose which characteristics you want to see (or not see) in your list.
Gallery: the album of photos on a producer’s storefront.
General Harvest Date: the default day to harvest your products before a pick up or delivery day. You can set up "harvest groups" to harvest specific products closer to your delivery or pick up day.
General Packing Date: the day you want to have all of your products packed by.
General Pre-Packing Date: the day you want to have all of your products pre-packed by. When setting up individual groups, you have to make sure their date is always less than or equal to your general pre-packing date.
Harvest Allocation: when a product is set to “partially filled”, the product must be allocated. This is when you may select which order gets filled, and which orders will not receive any of the product. If a product is not manually allocated, allocation is done by Navore according to the date the order was placed.
Harvest Allocation Remaining: the amount of product that you have left to distribute to all orders shown.
Harvest Groups: When you have an item, or a group of items that you would like to harvest closer to the delivery or pick up date, you can set up a harvest group for them. Here you can also assign the group to a specific user(s).
Harvest List: the first phase of the Navore Lists. Items from all of your orders are grouped here based on when the order needs to be filled, and the dates you chose for your general harvest or specific harvest groups.
Harvest List cont.
- Collected: the amount of product that was successfully harvested
- Remaining: the amount of product that still needs to be harvested.
- Total: the amount of product that is needed to fill all orders placed.
Harvest Status: there are 5 different status options for an item in the harvest list.
- “Pending”: the first status, when an item is just put on the list and none of the item has been harvested yet.
- “In Progress”: the second status, when you have harvested some of the item and are planning to resume harvest of this item later in the day.
- “Partially Filled”: the third status, when only some of the product for that day's orders could be harvested and you won't be able to complete the remaining amount.
- “Filled”: the fourth status, when all of the product has been successfully harvested.
- “Out of stock”: the fifth status, when none of the product could be harvested.
Header Image: the background photo on a producer’s storefront. Add a main Header image. Select an image that represents your store best. This image will be customers first impression of your store, so make sure it’s a high-quality image you are proud of!
Internal: this means that something can only be seen or changed by the producer. It is not visible to the public.
Internal ID: the internal ID is the name used to identify the internal order when logged. This is often the name of the farmers market or stand the order was created for.
Internal Order: an order that the producer creates to help with internal organization of things like farmers markets or farm stands. This can help aid with anything from harvesting to packing, loading or delivery.
Knowledge Center: Navore’s help center where you can find a collection of questions and
articles about Navore and its community.
Limit future orders: A value (number of days) that you set to restrict how far in advance someone can place an order for a pick up or delivery date to help ensure accurate availability.
Lists: Navore’s Lists include the List manager, Harvest list, Pre-packing list, Packing list. These tools are set up to streamline your process. To get the most out of Navore, we suggest keeping these turned on.
List Manager: where you control the settings for Navore’s Lists.
Live: a status option that means the product, post, recipe, or other content can be seen by the public.
Loading List: a list that contains the orders for each route. Use this list to assign loading, assign a vehicle, and complete the loading.
Manage Refund: the ability to choose a custom amount to refund a customer based off of their request. You can refund by item, dollar amount or percentage.
Master Calendar: a complete view of all pick up and delivery plans a producer has.
Media: gallery, news, and reviews
Median: the middle value in a data set. It provides an indication of the typical or middle value in
your data. This helps to view the midpoint without the outliers. Outliers are data points that are
vastly larger or smaller than the rest of the data set. Sometimes the average can be higher or
lower because of outliers
Minimum Order Value (MOV): the total dollar amount a customer must purchase to qualify for a pick up or delivery.
Navore: [nuh-vor] ná: the Old Norse prefix for “near” vore: suffix meaning “one who eats”
News Post: a written post for producer updates including, sharing new products, events, and more that can include photos.
On Farm Pick Up: a list that contains all the orders that are packed and need to be set aside for on farm pick up.
On Route / Daily Delivery Route: a tool designed for users completing delivery orders. There are 5 terms used on the delivery route tool.
- Pending: an order has not been delivered yet.
- On Route: a delivery that is currently in progress.
- Completed: an order has been delivered.
- Incomplete: an order was unable to be delivered.
- Missing items: an order was delivered, but some items were missing.
Orders Cancellation Cutoff: “cancellation window” an amount of time (hours) that a producer chooses when a customer is allowed to cancel their order free of charge.
Orders Cutoff: the amount of time before the day of distribution when you no longer accept orders, in order to have sufficient time to prepare an order.
Order Notes: any updates or additional information you want to give the customer. It is not like a message though; they do not have the ability to respond.
Order Status: The current stage an individual order is in that can be changed manually, or automatically if Navore’s Lists are used.
- Pending: the order is in the works
- Ready to fulfill: the order is packed and ready to be charged
- Fulfilled: the order is packed and charged
- Completed: the order has been delivered or picked up
- Cancelled: Order has been cancelled by customer or producer
Order Timeline: the phase of work the order is in. This will change automatically if Navore’s Lists are used.
- Harvesting
- Pre-packing
- Packing
- Loading
- Delivery/ Pick Up
- Completed
Order tools: Automatically generated lists for harvest, pre-packing, and packing that can be used in to prepare for an order.
Order settings: Settings that a producer uses to customize the distribution options for customers (delivery plans, pickup locations, master calendar) as well as internal organization (list manager).
Pack(age) Name: the name of each Pack Size that the customer will see.
Pack Size: the quantity in which a product will be sold.
Packing list: the third phase of the Navore Lists. Here, you will take your pre-packed items, and assemble the final orders for customers. This is also where final weight can be set, labels created, and packing slips as well.
Packing cont.
- Fulfill & Charge Order: when a user has finished packing the order and has the ability to charge the customer.
- Packed & Ready to Fulfill: when a user has finished packing the order but does not have the ability to charge the customer.
- Box count: an optional feature that can be turned on in the list manager that will provide a field to input the number of boxes used to fill an order. This feature can assist in determining how many labels need to be printed for each order, loading the truck and during deliveries.
- Labels: created by Navore for easy fulfillment. The label is printed with all the details needed for regulatory requirements, all that needs to be done by the user is check off if an item is in the box with the label.
- Packing Slip: created by Navore, they are a print friendly view of the order summary. We encourage producers to include them in their orders.
Packing Status: there are 2 different status options for orders in the packing list.
- “Pending”: the first status, when an order has not been packed.
- “Packed”: the second status, when you have packed all the items for an order. This can be done by clicking "complete packing".
Payment Status: paid, unpaid, refunded, partially refunded, voided
Pick Up Locations List: where a user manages the orders at a pick up location. There are 5 terms used on the pick up tool.
- Pending: an order has not been picked up yet.
- Completed: an order has been picked up.
- Incomplete: an order was unable to be picked up.
- Missing items: an order was picked up, but some items were missing.
Pre-Packing Allocation: when a product is set to “partially filled”, the product must be allocated. This is when you must select which order gets filled, and which orders will not receive any of the product. Pre-packing allocation can be done by count or case size. If a product is not manually allocated, allocation is done by Navore according to when the order was placed.
Pre-Packing Allocation cont.
- Allocation Count: the individual view of allocation by count.
- Allocation Weight: the individual view of allocation by weight.
- Allocation Case: the pack size view of allocation.
- Allocation Complete: the amount of a “partially filled” product that was successfully pre-packed.
- Allocation Remaining: the total amount of a “partially filled” product that you have left to distribute to orders.
Pre-Packing List: the second phase of the Navore Lists. Here, you will take what has been harvested, and split them into the quantities needed for orders by weight or count.
Pre-Packing cont.
- Actual Amount: the amount of product from harvest that did pass quality inspection and can be used to complete pre-packing.
- Under Total: the amount of product from harvest that did not pass quality inspection and cannot be used to complete pre-packing.
- Total: the total amount of product needed to fill all orders placed.
Pre-packing Groups: When you have an item, or a group of items that you would like to pre-pack closer to the delivery or pick up date, you can set up a group for them. Here you can also assign the group to a specific user.
Pre-Packing Status: there are 5 different status options for an item in the pre-packing list.
- “Pending”: the first status, when an item is just put on the list.
- “In Progress”: the second status, when you have started some of the pre-packing of an item and are planning to resume later in the day.
- “Partially Filled”: the third status, when only some of the product could be organized and there is no more available to distribute. This can happen when examining the harvested product, the pre-packer notices some of the product is missing or damaged and cannot be sold.
- “Completed”: the fourth status, when all of the product has been successfully organized.
- “Out of stock”: the fifth status, when none of the product could be pre-packed. All of the harvested product is missing or damaged and cannot be sold.
Price List: a list of products for wholesale customers that may have unique pricing or pack sizes.
Producer: Local farms, ranches, businesses, people who are growing or making products in Southern California for customers in San Diego County
Producer Story: a quick bio about the producer that customers can view on their storefront.
Products: anything sold by a producer on Navore
Product Category: the general category defining the product (ex. Fruit)
Product Nickname: this is an optional internal name for the product that can assist with communication among your crew. You can choose to have this show up on the harvest, packing and loading lists.
Product Status: determines if customers can purchase the item from your storefront.
- Available: the product is in stock and available for purchase
- Out of stock: the product is currently out of stock but will be available soon.
- Out of season: the product is not in season and won’t be available soon.
Product Type: the second level of defining a product. Producers that sell produce must select from a list of pre-determined types. (ex. Apples & Pears)
Product Variety: “product name” the final level of defining a product. Producers can type in their own name for a product variety. (ex. Honey Crisp). The only name that customers see.
Profile Picture: the main photo for a producer’s account. Add a profile picture of your logo or a portrait that will be shown on your storefront and news postings
Profile URL shares: the amount of times your storefront on Navore has been shared.
Publish: to make a picture live on your gallery so customers are able to see them.
Refund Request: information received from a customer who would like a refund for some or all
of their order including what, why and sometimes photos.
Reject Refund: to not give the customer any amount of refund.
Repost: a review that has been added to the producer’s news, so it is now visible to the public.
Reviews: customer reviews from an order. They can only be seen by the producer unless the producer wishes to repost.
Route: a list of deliveries that need to be completed. Navore will provide you with an optimal route, but you are free to customize it as you wish.
Seasonality: the time of year a product is typically available. This does not affect the product’s purchasing availability.
Sorting: arrange the information in the groups of your choosing.
Split Route: a feature that allows the user to divide the delivery route into smaller routes.
Storefront: a producer’s page on Navore, also referred to as “store”.
Tag: keywords that are added to an item in order to streamline internal search and filtering features.
Thank You Note: a generic message that is sent to all customers after an order has been placed. You can make a unique thank you note for a customer in their order details, and it will not effect the general thank you note.
Thumbnail Picture: the photo of a product that will display as the preview of the product when customers are browsing on Navore.
Users: any producer or employee that uses Navore. The main admin can create different users with various permissions.
User Permissions: these are set by the admin account. Different permissions allow or restrict users from viewing or performing certain actions.
Wholesale: when a producer sells to a chef, restaurant, distributor, or other business.
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