Creating wholesale groups is a helpful way to organize your wholesale customers based on two major factors: price lists and distribution options.
All members in the group will receive the same price lists. Price lists can have unique product package sizes and pricing, so group together wholesale customers who should receive the same price lists. For example, if you sell to grocery stores and only sell them a few products in large quantities at a discounted price, consider putting them all in the same group.
- Price lists can be created within the wholesale group feature, you can add special discounts to each product
- Products can also be added to price lists when creating or editing products on your storefront
Pick up or delivery options can be specifically created for groups, but you can also create pick up or delivery options for a specific wholesale customer.
- Create the pick up and delivery options in order settings (delivery plans and pick up plans) and then assign the plan to a specific group
- Then when creating or editing a wholesale customer you can add them to a group and select which delivery or pick up plans are available to them
If a wholesale customer has a special price list, you must create a wholesale group specifically for them.
Create a new group by going to wholesale groups. Products > Wholesale > Wholesale groups
- Select “Add a new group”
- Name your group something that can easily identify them (stores) and add a description with helpful information. Both are only used internally.
- Next, add members to the group (you must add wholesale customers before adding them to a group)
- Finally, when you are ready, create a price list for your wholesale customers
Wholesale customers are the only customers you can communicate with directly through Navore. Use the messages to let your wholesale customers know of any relevant information, like when you add a new price list.
- You can message the group members from the wholesale group page, all group members or select group members.
- You can also go to your messages, located with your notifications, to message wholesale customers.
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